ASDSW’s Program Structure:
ASDSW and SDCS are committed to growth to match the current national governments expansion into the WaSH sector. In 2013 ASDSW and SDCS committed resources to upgrade financial and information management systems to streamline operation and increase transparency. In 2014 a three -year strategic plan was made subtitled “a blueprint to sustained expansion”.
Programmatically this commits the two organizations to the three-pronged approach. The sanitation component within the governance program, the relatively new education side of the operation, and the incorporation of resilience reinforcement were also strengthened. A decision was also made to geographically expand to Yolanda-impacted areas in Eastern Visayas, which leverages not only past work in Eastern Samar and Biliran, early 2014 efforts in Water Quality Monitoring as well as the immediate response activities that were done with UNICEF and OXFAM.
3.1 WaSH in Education
3.1.1 WaSH in Schools
To develop within children good WaSH behaviors. This is based on the Dep-ED EHCP model for hand washing, tooth brushing and deworming with extension into community based support for supplies, sanitation facilities and water supplies.
- Children hand washing with soap at critical times, brushing teeth regularly and participation in de-worming programs.
- Implementation of Hand-washing stations and institutional support for supplies
- Improvement to WaSH facilities with community and institutional support for operation and maintenance
Implementation Strategy
Strategies vary for systems, ie. dep-ed vs private school vs madari’s vs daycares
- Creation of institutional support within linking structure ie. Dep-Ed regional structures.
- Supply chain support for soap, toothpaste and tooth brushes
- Linkage to DOH de-worming
- Teacher and administration programming for implementation and sustainability
- For institutions that are not strongly linked will need local implementation ie. Tahderriyah program. Note that this may be strengthening and strategizing with other more appropriate implementing organizations.
- Training of teachers and children on site
- Supply of initial supplies and assistance with hand-washing station implementation
- Planning sessions with school and local community support structures for:
- Why this is important to the education of their children
- Sustaining the program
- Taking responsibility for facility implementation and maintenance.
- Leveraging the gains of the school WaSH program into the community
- M & E
- Monitoring of continuation of practice in schools
- Attendance rates of children and other health data
- Status of resupply
3.1.2 WaSH Facilities in Schools
To develop within schools the mechanisms to operate and maintain WaSH facilities at schools so that children can practice their good WaSH behaviors. Can also include the construction or repair WaSH facilities.
- Operational facilities that are used by children regularly without stress
- Systems within schools to maintain systems and improve as needed
- Available resources for cleaning and maintenance supplies
- Increasing community capacity to build and manage WaSH systems
Implementation Strategy
- Inventory of installed facilities, status and needs of current student/teacher body
- Working with teachers, support mechanisms, funders and dep-ed to determine plan to improve situation.
- Repairs and Construction using local labor and materials counterpart
- Resourcing cleaning and maintenance supplies
- Systems for cleaning and maintaining systems
- Construction and repairs
- Supervision
- Material procurement
- Operation and Maintenance trainings
- Documentation
- Referral system
- M & E
- Monitoring of facility conditions and usage rates, satisfaction survey of children
- Attendance rates of children and other health data
- Status of resupply of cleaning supplies
3.2 Governance Program
3.2.1 LGU WaSH Governance
To set up mechanisms within LGU’s at the Municipal/City level as well as at Provincial level to focus on WaSH development. At the M/C level this will include the development of WaSH plans within the CDP-ELA or Longer term CLUP framework, internal and external resource mobilization, implementation and assistance to Barangay level initiatives and capacity development. Noting that this is in line with the DILG WaSH Governance Framework
- EO/SB resolution for Municipal WaSH Task Force
- SB Resolution and setting up Municipal WaSH Trust Fund for LGU Cash counterpart
- Comprehensive WaSH Plan (minimum 5 barangays)
- WaSH Inventory
- Situationer
- Goals and Objectives
- Strategies and Project Designs
- Budget Allocation in the Annual Investment Plan
- Project Implementation and spending of budget within AIP as per budget
- Regular MWTF activities
- Extension of plan municipal wide and updating of plan.
Implementation Strategy
Note that ASDSW needs to rationalize its program within the DILG governance strategy. The outputs are similar but there are differences in names and methodology. Key is to get recognition of the program by DILG as an acceptable alternative.
- Formation of MWTF
- EO for MWTF
- SB Resolution on Trust Fund
- (Shows commitment to initiative)
- WaSH Inventory at Barangay Level
- Community and Sectoral participation
- Inclusion of practical and strategic needs of women within the inventory results and process.
- Environmental assessment also included
- WaSH Planning
- Situationer
- Desired situation
- The Steps to make that happen using local resources and identifying what is needed
- Includes project design
- Adoption of the Plan by LGU and allocation of budget
- Mainstreaming issues such as addressing the strategic needs of women in management structures, environmental management and risk management
- M & E
- Adoption of plans at what level
- Budget allocation
- Spending of budget
- Regularity of activities
3.2.2 Small Service/Product Provider Development (People Offering Deliverable Services)
To set up or strengthen mechanisms within communities to plan, implement and manage WaSH service or product delivery. Includes Operation and Maintenance training as well as strategic/business planning and management skills. Though politically separate from Barangay and Municipal/City LGU it has to recognize government role as a partner while being accountable to the community at large. Community also needs to recognize its role in respecting the service/product provider, especially in the payment of tariff’s, watershed management and illegal tapping. Noting that this is in line with the DILG WaSH Governance Framework as well as other governing bodies such as LWUA, DOLE, SEC etc.
- Organization
- Membership
- Management Structure that is accepted by stakeholders
- Policies and Procedures
- Bank account and assets
- Strategic and Business Plan
- Appropriate Registration
- Documented acknowledgement by Barangay/Municipal and City LGU of the services provided and protection of assets/services by law
Implementation Strategy
- Formation of the organization through community general assembly’s with a clear TOR for participants in the trainings.
- Provision of the opportunity for women to apply for key decision making roles in the organization
- Opportunities for sectoral representation, particularly the more marginalized sectors
- Collection of community counterpart (ie. 75% of possible users connection fee)
- Project implementation managed by organization with LGU’s
- Level of systems to match the inherent capacities of the community
- PODS Training and development of Policies/Procedures and plans
- Meeting the strategic and practical needs for women and other vulnerable sectors such as the elderly, disabled and marginalized
- Include environmental management, particularly for watershed protection
- General Assembly’s to validate the outputs of the PODS
- Ensuring that leadership of the PODS is respected by the community and not bypassed by pre-existing formal/informal leadership structures
- Barangay and Municipal/City ordinances to support the organization as needed.
- Consolidation and Mentoring program for PODS for at least 12 months
- Regular update
- Site Visits
- Consolidation workshops
- M & E
- Service continuity
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Financial Status
- Satisfaction Surveys
3.2.3 Infra-Structure Implementation Design, Supervision and Training
To design appropriate, resilient. effective systems that can be implemented, operated and maintained by the target community. Then supervise and train the implementers for the installation, maintaining highest possible installation standards while creating a group of responsible and skilled personal that can operate and maintain the system.
- Design
- Performance Specifications
- Designs
- Calculations and assumptions
- Drawings
- Bill of Materials
- Supervision
- Installed infrastructure
- Check lists and installation reports
- Handover
- Commissioning Reports
- Operations and Maintenance Manuals and documentation
- As-Built Drawings
Implementation Strategy
- Design validated on site and including provisions for mitigation of locally recognized hazards.
- Procurement as per ASDSW/Funder Procurement standards
- On site supervision guided by the supervision manual while working with the local community to ensure that as much responsibility is taken by the community.
- Technical Consolidation and Mentoring
- Regular Updates
- 1 month and 6 month technical review
3.2.4 Technical Trainings
Directly build capacity of Small Service and Product Providers, LGU’s, International and Local NGO’s and other organizations by request. These would be on-site practical workshop exercises.
- Trainings can include, but are not limited to:
- Bio-Sand Filters
- Ferro-Cement Tanks
- Dug Well improvement
- Well Drilling and Pump installation/Maintenance
- Sanitation Facilities
- Spring Box implementation
- WaSH Engineering
- Training
- Materials
- Documentation of training and learnings
- Actual outputs (ie. filter or tanks)
Implementation Strategy
- These are on-call trainings within the menu of ASDSW services or can be part of a larger capacity development program
- Always includes documentation of the training and a referral system so that participants can get coaching or mentoring help.
- Where possible working with organizations to leverage training into actual implementation.
3.2.5 Water Quality Monitoring
To institutionalize Water Quality Monitoring at all levels from the SSP/barangay level up to regional or national level. WQM is not just water testing but the dissemination of understandable results to those primarily affected and responsible along with corrective actions. Institutionalization is about WQM being part of the way of working so that those responsible can manage their water quality.
Noting that the PML needs to be recognized by DOH as a prescreening alternative. Work needs to continue with the National Reference Laboratory and reagent suppliers as well as the WaSH cluster to make this happen. Also can be integrated into DOH initiatives, such as Water Safety Planning and the Sanitation Codes mandated community based water quality monitoring committee or other existing WaSH governance structures.
- Trained personal at targeted levels
- WQM plans, including resupply plan and budget allocation
Implementation Strategy
- Technical training of participants
- Noting that there may be a wide range of capacities within the training group from doctors to those with limited elementary school education.
- How to test
- How to analyze
- Reasons for contamination
- Possible Corrective Actions
- Planning for area of responsibility
- Information management systems dependent on level so as to create history
- Noting that there may be a wide range of capacities within the training group from doctors to those with limited elementary school education.
- Information Management Systems
- Baseline data and mapping is crucial for Water Safety Planning and outbreak management.
- Spreadsheet or Database systems dependent on the situation
- Coaching
- After the trainings, teams to go into the field with participants for coaching, mentoring and to monitor the progress of agreed plans.
- Advocacy with LGU’s etc for budget allocation particularly for Sanitary Inspectors and legislative support
- M & E
- Adoption of plans at what level
- Budget allocation
- Changes made to sources based on results
- Resupply
3.2.6 Sanitation
To eliminate Open Field Defecation in target areas, by changing behavior and prioritizing sanitation at a community level while building up an appropriate supply system with supportive/proactive government.
Noting that DOH is promoting CLTS but hampered by the past system of toilet bowl handouts. Sanitation governed by Sanitation Code which is inappropriate in many situations. Sanitary inspectors are the focal people in LGU’s reporting to MHO, however have very limited power and resources.
- Open Defecation Free Barangays
- Certified by DOH (systems for certification being set up)
- Municipal/City LGU sanitation strategies
- Appropriate technologies
- Costs
- Materials available
- Skills available
- Environmental conditions
- Incentives for good practices
- Appropriate technologies
- Small Product Suppliers with the ability to provide materials and build toilets
- Community Health Clubs
- To leverage the outputs of Demand Creation program (Community Led Total Sanitation, CLTS)
- Monitoring and advocacy at community and LGU level
- Avenue for representing the practical needs of women in sanitation and provides legitimacy for women advocating for better sanitation.
- Advisory group for explaining local behaviors and cultural considerations
Implementation Strategy
Note that this program has been piloted, not very successfully but will be redone with lessons learned.
- Development of sanitation strategy with the municipal government
- Commitment to the program
- Emphasis on sanitation within the WaSH Plan
- Baseline data gathering
- Acceptable technologies
- Budget and resource allocation
- Coordination with other government programs
- Demand Creation
- Community Led Total Sanitation adapted to the specific community
- Setting up Community Health Clubs or strengthening existing community organizations to take on the role
- Supply
- Inventory of available materials and skills
- Ability for community to resource sanitation
- Rationalization or redesign of sanitation models
- Technical training of skilled personal
- PODS Training
- Product base
- Includes marketing aspects
- Linkage to Community Health Clubs and LGU mechanisms
- M & E
- Open Defecation practices (Open Defecation Free)
- Legislation adopted supporting sanitation initiatives
- Performance of product suppliers
- Status of sanitation in new houses
- Maintenance of communal facilities
3.3 Humanitarian Response
3.3.1 ASDSW Assessment and Response
To provide strategic lifesaving response assistance during the initial period of response, work with government and WaSH service providers and NGO’s to lead cluster and coordination efforts to meet the largest public health risks.
- Needs based interventions such as water system repairs, water quality monitoring data, sanitation facilities, desludging and sludge processing services
- Leading input to Cluster and Partner organization WaSH Strategies
- Advocacy with government and other agencies to meet the most critical needs.
Implementation Strategy
Strategies vary from response to response based on needs and partners
- Relook at HRC mechanisms and fine tune policies and procedures as well as determining the status of relationship with UNICEF and Oxfam as implementing partners
- Document protocols for initial response
- For Responses
- Identification of the highest Public Health Risk
- Implementation of the most appropriate response
- Coordination with government and partners.
- Ready to go equipment and material package for initial deployment
- Initial Deployment Strategy (either in field before event or prepositioned for quick access or rapid deployment)
3.3.2 WaSH Cluster Capacity Development
To build up the capacity of government to manage WaSH in Emergencies using the WaSH cluster as the main mechanism for management.
- Creation of a core group that can organize the WaSH cluster and effectively manage the cluster in the initial period.
- Expansion of the core group to manage larger or multiple emergencies.
- Series of programs for rapid capacity development of government in affected areas
- R & D products to meet the needs of Philippine specific conditions
- Work with government and UN agencies for prepositioning of needed stocks
Implementation Strategy
- Negotiation with WaSH Cluster and UNICEF on program final design
- Develop ASDSW HR Department
- Manager/PHP/PHE
- Funding
- Fine Tuning of WaSH in Emergencies Training for Roll out in Government
- Fine Tuning of Municipal WaSH Focal Point training and roll out of consolidation process in Leyte.
- Reactivate research project on emergency sanitation in urban settings
- Work with WaSH cluster and UNICEF on procedure for rolling out WaSH Clusters, Regional, Provincial and Municipal/City.